Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Temple of Poseidon

South of Athens lies the coast on the Aegean. A place of many Greek naval battles but also the location of religious centres for the god of the Sea, Poseidon. This one in particular is quite well preserved and holds a wonderful sunset view. 

Mars Hill and the Agora

At the foot of the Acropolis lies Mars Hill, a place for the orators to speak from to the public (also where Paul spoke to the Epicureans and Stoics). The Agora is the main marketplace which also served a political role as a democratic state.


This is was a day with a lot hiking. It was all worth it though. Architectural and historical icon of the western world!

This olive tree is historically known as the tree Athena planted to win the favour of the Athenians.

Athens Museum (National Archaeological Museum of Greece)

Spent about three hours here, browsing items from all eras and place Archaic to Classical; Crete to Athens. This museum holds some famous pieces, some of which you may recognise below.