Monday, June 17, 2013

Καβαλα (Kavala)

We drove out of Istanbul early in the morning the other day, heading out for Greece by bus. After about three and a half hours of driving through the Turkish countryside, we crossed the Turkish-Greek border! Yay!
Beach at Alexandropolis
After crossing over into Greece, we drove another hour west where we stopped in Αλεχανδροπολισ (Alexandropolis) for our first legit Greek lunch (I had eggplant mousaka). We got back on the bus where we drove another two hours to the location of our hotel, Καβαλα (Kavala). 
On the left is our hotel

Boardwalk in Kavala

Dock at Kavala
I had about 5 hours total free time that I spent walking around the city, taking these pictures. I also took my first opportunity to grab REAL Greek frozen yoghurt, which may I say was the richest dairy dessert I've ever tasted. With yoghurt in hand, I continued around the city.

View of east city from Dock

Main section of Kavala

View from Dock

As you can see I went slightly trigger happy with the water portraits, but I thought it was worth it. The other thing I was introduced to here was something called a φραπέ (frah-peh), which, as it sounds, is a cold coffee drink, what we might call a frappé. This however was more like a frothy cold coffee. It's apparently the most popular coffee drink in Greece currently. It's made by mixing cold water and instant coffee, then adding milk and sugar to taste. It's a surprisingly awesome combination. I will be sure to get more of those while here.

Café at which I tried my first φραπέ

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