Monday, June 17, 2013

Φίλιπποι (Philippi)

After leaving Kavala we soon arrived in Philippi. Established by Philip II in 356BC, it was quite a large city in Eastern Macedonia. Biblically  it was the audience of apostle Paul's letter titled 'Philippians' and historically is known as the gateway of Christianity to the West. In the fourteenth century, the entire city was abandoned following the Ottoman Conquests. Today, it stands as mere ruins.

Citadel Hill at Philippi

Amphitheatre at Philippi

Amphitheatre Entrance

Forum at Philippi
 Interestingly enough, the Cathedral below was actually never completed. The eastern Romans began constructing it never gathered enough funds to complete it. Ironically, it stands today the most 'completed' structure in the Philippian Forum

Cathedral at Philippi

Corinthian Columns

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