Thursday, June 20, 2013

Θεσσαλονίκη (Thessaloniki)

Thessaloniki is culturally an interesting city. There is much cultural diversity due to its complex dominion history. The Greeks owned the city until the Roman Empire took it for Byzantium. Following Byzantium, the Ottomans had taken Thessaloniki until the year 1912AD when the Greeks finally took possession of it again. While visiting, you could see each of these owners' marks. I mix of Byzantium Churches and Mosques scattered the skyline. Unfortunately, much of the archaeological history is inaccessible due to the amount of modern buildings built over the ruins of Paul's Thessalonika. Archaeologists from around the world are trying to save the ruins left before the city puts a Metro directly through it. This is the city's major political issue currently.

Infamously brutal prison known as White Tower

View of Thessaloniki from Shore

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